Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reading-Post 4

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Chaffin, A. J., & Harlow, S. D. (2005). Cognitive learning applied to older adult learners and technology. Educational Gerontology, 31, 301-329. doi: 10.1080/03601270590916803

In this article, the authors delineate common traits relating to the adult learner and offer recommendations aimed at facilitating their learning through developing motivation in the use of technology.  It presents an interesting look at the focus of the adult learner with regard to using technology.  It appears to have valuable information for the AR project this writer is working on. 

Donnelly, R. C. (2009). Embedding interaction with a blend of learner centric pedagogy and technology. World Journal on Educational Technology, 1(1), 6-29. Retrieved from

This article revolves around the use of technology and the interaction it presents for elearning – when dealing with higher education in particular.  Constructivism theory and web-based instruction are recurring themes throughout this article.  The author relates these theories to the use of tutorials.  This article appears to contain concrete evidence for the use of tutorials with adult learners.  It may prove to be a valuable find for references relating to this topic.

Edmondson, B. (2007). Utilising multiple intelligences in e-learning design. International Journal of Learning, 13(12), 35-41. Retrieved from

This article makes a case for developing e-learning materials that are interactive and not static, as would be the case with a textbook or regular printed material used for learning.  It appears to have a wealth of information relating to multiple intelligences, andragogy, and elearning and will be extremely useful for this writer’s AR project.

Fetaji, B., & Fetaji, M. (2009). E-learning indicators: A multi-dimensional model for planning and  evaluating e-learning software solutions. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7(1), 1-28. Retrieved from idIssue=11

This research shares a “systemic or a standardized way of planning, comparing, and evaluating e-learning projects, their outcomes, and their effectiveness.”(Fetaji, 2009). The article contains charts and graphs representing results from this study.  It should prove very useful for the AR project this writer is preparing. 

Guilbaud, P., Jerome-D’Emilia, B. (2008.) Adult instruction & online learning: Towards a systemic instruction framework. International Journal of Learning, 15(2), 111-121.  Retrieved from

This article appears to touch on some of the major theories that will be included in the AR project this writer is preparing.  Those theories being:  “Internet Instruction, Andragogy, Adult Education, Online Learning, e-learning” (Guilbaud, 2008).  It appears to contain further research which, as the authors state, “introduces and develops the Internet-centric Adult Instruction framework, a theoretically-grounded approach to plan, deign, or evaluate aduit-oriented online courses and curricula.” (Guilbaud, 2008).  Knowing that the AR project this writer is proposing will contain a pilot program for on-line instruction for adult learners, this article appears to contain pertinent information relating to that topic.

McCormick, R., & Li, N. (2006). An evaluation of European learning objects in use. Learning, Media and Technology, 31(3), 213-231. doi:10.1080/17439880600893275

This article appears to contain an argument in support of pedagogically infused learning objectives (via the Internet) for schools.  It surveys recipients (students) as well as producers (teachers).  It could prove to contain valuable information in support of pedagogy for adult learners using online instructional tutorials.  

Nurmi, S., & Jaakkola, T. (2006). Promises and pitfalls of learning objects. Learning, Media and Technology, 31(3),269-285. Retrieved from

This article appears to focus on learning objectives whose resources are shared and available for use through the Internet.  A learning objective can, therefore, be reused in several contexts.  This might be a beneficial article in that the learning modules planned for the AR Project will most likely be able to cross reference a wide variety of users. 

Rodrigues, S. (2006). Pedagogic practice integrating primary science and elearning: The need for relevance, recognition, resource, reflection, readiness and risk. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 15(2), 175-189. doi: 10.1080/14759390600769193

Though this article focuses on elearning in relation to science, the concepts relating to infusing pedagogy can translate to an important contribution to the AR project this writer is completing.  The article presents ideas on “teacher surveys, online dialogue, interviews, (and) teacher ‘show and tell’”(Rodrigues, 2006).  These concepts can very easily relate to the development of better elearning training tutorials. 

Scott, D. (2008). Effective volp learning experiences: The relationship between adult learners’ motivation, multiple intelligences, and learning styles. International Journal of Learning, 15(3), 63-78. Retrieved from

This article appears to be quite the find!  It appears to contain information relating to the adult learner and how theories of multiple intelligence, andragogy, learning styles, etc. influence their ability to learn when using tutorials and on-line learning.  If this indeed the case, it directly relates to the writer’s AR project.

Simmons, L.W. (2009). Five resources on teaching methods. Religious Education, 104(1), 95-98. doi:10.1080/00344080802615606

This article shares results of studies in teaching approaches with diverse populations – including adult learners and multicultural participants.  It appears to contain information directly relating to the population that the AR project of this writer is targeting.  The aim appears to be learner engagement, which, again, is central to this writer’s purpose in creating a tutorial for the adult learner.

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